Work Out #1
1. 200 yards freestyle – Smooth and easy, focus on long arms (yes, flip turns)
2. 100 yards kick 3. 4 x 25 yards drill – Alternate catch-up drill, fingertip drag, or one-arm freestyle.
Main Set Ladder (600 yards)
• 50 yards at moderate pace (70% effort) – Rest :10 • 100 yards steady pace (75% effort) – Rest :15
• 150 yards build speed (start moderate, finish strong) – Rest :20
• 200 yards controlled, steady pace (focus on even splits) – Rest :30
• 150 yards descend (first half moderate, second half fast) – Rest :20
• 100 yards strong effort (85% effort) – Rest :15
• 50 yards sprint (90–95% effort) – Rest :10 Pacing (4 x 150 yards)
• 150 freestyle at goal pace (track your splits) – Rest :15
• Repeat x4, trying to hit consistent times on all four reps.
1. 200 yards choice – Mix strokes, swim easily.
2. 100 yards kick – Gentle effort.
3. 100 (50 Kick, 50 Swim)