Swim Meets for Summer 2022

Swim Meet for the Summer, If you would like to sign up for the Saturday meets it will be $20.00. If you just would like to go to the Cedar Meet it will be $10.00.  The Fillmore meet is a separate meet, their fee is $10.00. 

Click on the link below to sign up for Swim Meets, tab are at the bottom for each swim meet. Please sign up by the beginning of June if you can. The sign up date are on each meet. I can not add anyone after those date, I have to send the entries to the coaches. Fees need to be paid before I can enter the swimmer in the meet. Below is the list of events for the meets except Fillmore. The events will be listed on the sign up pages. Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks, keep swimming! Go Cedar! :)


June 6th- July 28th

Summer Practice Starting June 6th (June & July) Monday- Thursday. Please pay for both months if you can. 

Advanced Gold level 3:30-5:25pm  (High School age)

Cost $60.00 a month, $120 for the summer

Advanced Silver Level 4:25-5:25pm

Cost $50.00 a month, $100 for the summer

Intermediate Gold & Silver, Beginning Level: 5:30 -6:30 pm

Cost $50.00 a month, $100.00 for the summer

**Pay by Venmo before the month. New swimmers need to have a tryout before joining. 

Remind: 81010@icatt

Payments by Venmo @Meg-Mos


 Work Out #1 Warm-Up   1. 200 yards freestyle – Smooth and easy, focus on long arms (yes, flip turns)   2. 100 yards kick 3. 4 x 25 yards dr...