Summer Swim June 3rd- Aug 1st

 Iron County Aquatic Team

Where: Cedar City Aquatic Center 

 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr, 

Cedar City, UT 84720

Swim Practice June 3 - Aug 1

Practice Monday- Thursday

$100: Advance silver, Intermediate Gold & Silver 5:30-6:30pm

$100: Beginning older 5:20-6:00pm, Younger 6:00- 6:40pm 

$120: Advanced Gold/High School team morning 8:00-9:30am

Pay one fee per swimmer for the summer. If you are only swimming for one month pay half.

Home Meet @ Cedar June 22nd at 11:00am

Championship meet will be Aug 2-3rd (Must go to 2 swim meets to qualify)

Other swim meets are on the calendar.

Returning swimmers sign up on the link:


Remind: 81010@icatt 

Web Site:

Payments by Venmo @Meg-Mos 

Payments are due the 1st day of each month. June 3rd for the summer.


Team T-Shirts ($20) and Caps($12)

Design picture of Shirts.

Sign up to order by May 17th if you want to order one.

April 17th ICAT Swim Meet

 ICAT Swim Meet April 17th

Meet Program:

Warm up at 5:20

Start time 5:40-6:30pm 

Cost $2.00 per Swimmer, Due by April 15th

Events: 50 Free, 50 Back (BK), 50 Breaststroke (BR), 50 Fly


Sign up for Spring 2025

Starts Feb 10th at 5:30pm for most levels, Beginning levels 5:20 or 6:00pm Swimmers coming back that are already on the team sign up on the ...